by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by WENN

Tags: 30 Seconds To Mars

Jared Leto heckled and accused of 'trans-misogyny' at film festival

Actor/musician gives intelligent response


Jared Leto heckled and accused of 'trans-misogyny' at film festival

Photo: WENN

Jared Leto was forced to engage in an argument with a member of the public who accused him of "trans-misogyny" at a film festival on Tuesday (February 4).

The actor and musician was heckled during the Santa Barbara International Film Festival's Virtuosos Award tribute, where he was being honoured for his role in Dallas Buyer's Club. The unidentified woman reportedly shouted: "Trans-misogyny doesn't deserve an award."

"What do you mean by that?" Leto asked, to which the heckler answered: "You don't deserve an award for portraying a transgender woman, because you're a man."

"Because I'm a man I don't deserve to play that part?" Leto asked. "So you would hold a role against someone who happened to be gay or lesbian — they can't play a straight part?"

The woman then argued straight people always play transgendered roles and win awards, to which Leto replied: "Then you've made sure people that are gay, people that aren't straight, people like the Rayons of the world would never have the opportunity to turn the tables and explore parts of that art."

Leto's response was met with large applause from the audience. He then invited the woman and her friend backstage to further discuss the subject, where they allegedly had a polite and calm conversation for 15 minutes.

The heated discussion was in reference to Leto's role in the Matthew McConaughey film Dallas Buyer's Club, for which he has recieved critical acclaim for his portrayal of a transgender woman who is HIV positive. Leto has already won a SAG Award, a Critics' Choice Award and a Golden Globe for his work in the film, and is also nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars.

Below: Jared Leto, Matthew McConaughey at London premire of Dallas Buyer's Club



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