by Gaby Whitehill and Michael Baggs | Photos by WENN

Where have you been? 8 artists conspicuous by their absence

We haven't heard from these lot in a while


Where have you been? 8 artists conspicuous by their absence

Photo: WENN

Are you ever sitting around, listening to your iTunes on shuffle and a really good song comes up by an artist you kind of briefly forgot existed?

You realise they haven't released any new material in three years or more, despite the fact their popularity never seemed to take a disastrous nosedive. They haven't seemed to have suffered some kind of tragic personal setback, and they haven't eschewed the music industry to live in a nomadic cult in Iceland. So what gives?

Well, we're not entirely sure if we're being honest. Here are 8 artists who we haven't heard from in a while, and we'd really like to know what's going on with them. If you're on this list - at least call us and let us know you're alive and well.

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