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by Edward Keeble

Tags: Prince

'Gotta be the Embassy Club': Prince fans in Manchester discusses gig plans

Music legend sets social networks alive again


'Gotta be the Embassy Club': Prince fans in Manchester discusses gig plans


London has had it's fair share of Prince hysteria in recent weeks, with secret shows taking place at the Electric Ballroom, Koko and Kings Place. Now things are about to get purple up north, with two gigs confirmed for Manchester this weekend.

As expected numerous debates have opened up as to which venue he will be playing, alongside general statements of euphoria. The city can no doubt expect the same levels of mania witnessed down in the capital with fans queuing endlessly for tickets to the shows and making various sightings of legend in implausible places around town.

Official confirmation of Prince's plans in Manchester are expected to be revealed soon, following his intimate gig tonight at Ronnie Scotts in Soho, London. See what people in Manchester are saying ahead of his planned weekend visit...


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