by Edward Keeble

Tags: Nirvana

The very first Kurt Cobain day is celebrated in Aberdeen, Washington

Celebration marked the grunge icon's birthday


The very first Kurt Cobain day is celebrated in Aberdeen, Washington


The first ever Kurt Cobain day has been celebrated by the residents of Aberdeen, Washington in the United States. 

Marking the singer's birthday on 20 February, residents of Aberdeen celebrated the fact that they played a role in the formulation of Nirvana, thanks to the band living their before they found fame. It's also 20 years after Cobain took his own life due to drug addiction and depression and now the town's inhabitants feel it is time to mark the occasion. 

With the message 'Come As You Are' hanging beneath the town's sign, the mayor has discussed the importance of Cobain to its inhabitants.

"Aberdeen residents may justifiably take pride in the role our community played in the life of Kurt Cobain," he said, adding: "The international recognition our community has gained from its connections with Kurt Cobain and his artistic achievements."


The celebrations that took place yesterday included a Nirvana exhibition and events at the Aberdeen Museum of History. A statue of Kurt Cobain was unveiled as a piece to join the collection, it was worked on since 1994 by artist Randi Hubbard and was made from old pieces of pipe and concrete. 

Below: Kurt Cobain - the highlights of a rock music legend

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