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by Edward Keeble | Photos by

Tags: LCD Soundsystem

James Murphy claims he finds modern dance music 'repellent'

Clearly not a fan of Avicii then?


James Murphy claims he finds modern dance music 'repellent'


James Murphy has admitted that he is not a fan of modern dance music, going so far as to refer to it as 'repellent'.

Speaking at Larm Festival in Norway yesterday (27 February), Murphy was interviewed as part of Red Bull Music Academy panel. He chose to make his views on the path taken by modern dance music very clear, stating that he wasn't at all excited about the prospects of the genre, but adding that it isn't really aimed at him. 

“What I see in the commercial side of it I find repellent. It makes me want to vomit,” he explained. “I just don’t like it, it’s not for me but it’s also not designed for me. I’m old and it’s very maximalist and I’m not a maximalist guy.

"I’m sure there’s great stuff happening but it’s just not reaching me and it probably shouldn’t. I’m not excited about new stuff that much."

Below check out James Murphy's previous Red Bull lecture

"This past month I've been really hoping that there’s two people DJing to a room full of 150 people that think what I did was stupid and are making something awesome and having a great time. I won’t hear it until they do a shitty sell out track and I never hear what’s great about them, but that’s what I’m hoping.”

Since the disbanding of LCD Soundsystem in 2002 Murphy has predominantly been focusing on DJing, production and film making. Currently he's touring with his Despacio soundsystem, a collaboration with Soulwax. 

Below: Check out photos of LCD Soundsystem performing in Brixton back in 2010 

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