by Siobhan Frew | Photos by Press

Tags: London Grammar

London Grammar @ The Troxy, London - 05/03/2014

'Nobody wanted it to end, and we can't wait to see what's next'


London Grammar @ The Troxy, London - 05/03/2014

Photo: Press

Despite having to cancel the original gig at the beginning of February, the re-arranged date made no difference to the eager crowd who were queuing around the block to get into the Troxy for London Grammar last night, finishing off a sold-out UK tour- in the midst of which, debut album If You Wait went platinum.

Opening with single ‘Hey now’, Hannah Reid’s voice was as haunting as it was powerful. Her tone and calibre live is incredible, and along with Dan and Dot, stunned with a breathtaking showcase in fulfilling their promise.

Following on from ‘Hey Now’ with ‘Darling Are You Gonna Leave Me’ and the favourite ‘Wasting My YoungYears’, the tone was muted restraint from the crowd, due in part to the tone of London Grammar's music. It is the kind for which you can easily disappear into.

Halfway through the set, the band announced that they were aboutto film their next music video and encouraged the crowd to be particularly enthused when they had finished. The next single is ‘Sights’, although the enthusiasm from the crowd when they announced they were about to play Kavinskys ‘Nightcall’ was met with a much more rapturous reception, to which they did justice.

Having only the one album thus far, the set wasn’t extensive but is was certainly executed with grace. It is easy to see that London Grammar are the type of band who can give the audience exactly what they want.

After a small break the band returned to the stage with a string ensemble to finish proceedings. They then treated the audience to another rendition of ‘Sights’, because they had had to be focused on technical aspect’s during the video recording. Dan announced that this really was their last song, as they finished with the magnificent ‘Metal And Dust’.

Nobody wanted to it to end, and we can wait to see what they do next. 

Below: Awesome, exclusive photos of London Grammar's UK tour

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