by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by Instagram: superzeo

Tags: Beyonce

Massive, amazing Beyonce BILLBORT billboard appears in Los Angeles

Is it the work of a super fan or Beyonce herself?


Massive, amazing Beyonce BILLBORT billboard appears in Los Angeles

Photo: Instagram: superzeo

A massive Beyonce #BILLBORT billboard has appeared in Los Angeles. Of course.

A number of photos have surfaced of the large advertisement, which features the distinctive typeface and colour palette of Beyonce's recent self-titled record. The #billbort can be found in LA's Fairfax district.



It's unclear yet as to whether this #flawless piece of advertising is the work of a deranged fan with too much money or Beyonce herself, but our money's on the former. We don't reckon Bey's too worried about pushing for more sales of the record, which features the boozy super-smash 'Drunk In Love'.

Next up - a #Surfboard billboard?

Below - the best bits from all 17 of Beyonce's new music videos:

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