by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by WENN

Kurt Cobain death case is not being reopened, say Seattle police

Reports are 'very, very incorrect', they say


Kurt Cobain death case is not being reopened, say Seattle police

Photo: WENN

Seattle police have denied reports the investigation into Kurt Cobain's death is going to be reopened.

After reports surfaced yesterday (March 20) that detectives are looking to re-examine the 10 year old case, the Seattle police department were forced to dispute the claims, which they described as "very, very incorrect".

"No, we have not reopened the Kurt Cobain case," police spokesperson Detective Renee Witt told The Washington Post. Witt did reveal a detective had recently gone through the files of Cobain's death due to its 20th anniversary next month - but that's about it. 

"No change, no developments, no new leads," Witt added.

The false report originated from Seattle TV station KIRO 7. It then set the internet ablaze, making its way onto Gawker, Fox News and a variety of other websites (including this one).

However, new photos from the scene of the incident have surfaced online. The images show a variety of Cobain's possessions, including what appears to be needles, cigarettes and sunglasses.

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