by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by

Tags: Prince

Prince for surprise Coachella performance this weekend?

Prince confirmed to attend the festival


Prince for surprise Coachella performance this weekend?


Prince will be attending Coachella this weekend, with rumours abounding that he is preparing to perform a surprise set.

The singer's band 3RDEYEGIRL tweeted fans to confirm that Paisley Park After Dark, where Prince opens his studio for live music, DJing, and refreshments, will not be happening this weeekend, as Prince will be at Coachella.

The singer has become the King (or perhaps the Prince) of surprise shows recently, after performing a series of unannounced gigs in various London venues last month.

Listen to Prince & 3RDEYEGIRL 'PRETZELBODYLOGIC' below

Prince's 33rd album PLECTRUMELECTRUM, which he recorded with new band 3RDEYEGIRL, is set to be released later this year.

Coachella takes place across this weekend (11-13 April) and next weekend (18-20 April) in Indio, California, and will be headlined by Muse, Arcade Fire and Outkast.

Below: 21 reasons we really want to get on a plane to Coachella 2014

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