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by Edward Keeble | Photos by WENN/Instagram

Tags: Lady Gaga

The 6 most ridiculous criticisms of Lady Gaga on the internet right now

Right. It's time for everyone to give her a break


The 6 most ridiculous criticisms of Lady Gaga on the internet right now

Photo: WENN/Instagram

Poor old Lady Gaga doesn't seem to be able to anything right recently, whether it's her music, her image, her actions, her ideals, everyone seems to want to knock her down at any oppurtunity. We've done a bit ourselves, we can't lie - but things have reached ridiculous levels of late, and the negativity levels have become ridiculous.

In recent months, it has even been claimed that showbiz blogger Perez Hilton allegedly began writing under the name 'Angela Cheung' on US website The Examiner, with the sole reason of ripping into the ArtPop star. She might be a bit pretentious sometimes, but it's time to ease off on her and basically pay no mind to these ridiculous, hate-fuelled criticisms of the international superstar...

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