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Tags: Chris Brown

Chris Brown to turn 25 in prison after violating assault-related court order

Musician has been in prison since March


Chris Brown to turn 25 in prison after violating assault-related court order


Chris Brown is set to turn 25 in prison, after violating a court order.

The musician has been in prison since 14 March, after breaking the terms of a court order relating to the assult of his ex-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009.

He had been ordered to attend a rehab facility for treatment for anger management, substance abuse and bipolar disorder. According to BBC Newsbeat, Brown was subsequently thrown out of the centre and arrested.

Superior Court Judge James R Brandlin said in court that he was concerned by a comment Brown made during a group therapy session, which regarded being good at using guns and knives.

The probation for Brown's assult on Rihanna had been due to finish this year, but the judge revoked this after he was arrested for a seperate assault in Washington.

Following a judge's orders, Brown will now spend at least another week in jail, including the day of his 25th birthday, 5 May.

Brown was due to release his fifth album X, but it has been delayed several times due to his incarceration and rehabilitation treatment. A new release date has not yet been decided upon.

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