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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by

Tags: Avril Lavigne 

Avril Lavigne charges £250 for awkward, no-contact meet and greet

Fans were kept at arm's length during photo sessions


Avril Lavigne charges £250 for awkward, no-contact meet and greet Photo:

Avril Lavigne has charged fans the equivalent of £250 for a meet and greet - during which they weren't allowed to touch her. The resulting photos are as eye-wateringly awkward as you could possibly hope to imagine.

The singer is currently touring South America, and hosted a meet and greet photo session for her fans in Brazil, tickets for which cost 800 Brazilian Reals - approximately £250.

However according to reports, the price did not include the concert ticket, nor any physical contact. 

Luckily, the people of the internet can always be relied upon to spot the opportunity for parody - here's some of the best. 

Lavigne recently revealed the music video for her new single 'Hello Kitty', which was widely criticised for what was seen as lazy appropriation of Japanese culture.

The video has so far gained over 14 million views and 88,000 dislikes, despite being briefly removed and re-uploaded.

Lavigne is currently completing her tour of South America, before performing a series of North American dates over the next few months.

Below: the 5 worst moments of Avril Lavigne's 'Hello Kitty' video

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