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by Michael Baggs | Photos by Press

Tags: Morrissey

Morrissey quits gig after fan knocks him over on stage

Star lost in scrum of fans at California show


Morrissey quits gig after fan knocks him over on stage

Photo: Press

Morrissey was forced to end his gig in San Jose, California, early this week after he was knocked over by a fan on stage. See footage below.

US reports state that the incident took place during the encore of the star's show, during which fans climbed onto the stage to approach and 'embrace' Morrissey - despite the efforts of a lone security guard attempting to prevent audience members rushing the star. While he is singing, a number of fans approach Morrissey and he is lost among a scrum of people, before the music stops and he quits the stage.

US gossip website TMZ claims that he was 'attacked' but as Pitchfork points out, it is uncertain from the shaky, camera phone footage how serious the incident was. See the footage below.

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