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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by

Tags: Lorde, Arcade Fire

Lorde lists the ten best songs by her 'favourite band' Arcade Fire

Singer compiled the list for Rolling Stone magazine


Lorde lists the ten best songs by her 'favourite band' Arcade Fire


Lorde has listed what she believes to be the ten best songs from her "favourite band" Arcade Fire.

Lord compiled the list as part of a feature for Rolling Stone magazine, in which she was asked to rank her ten favourite songs from the band, and has included a short, eccentric description for each song.

In the introduction to the feature, the singer writes: "I feel weird writing this because the people in Arcade Fire are my friends. It'll be fine, I think."

She adds: "They've been my favourite band since a guy who was kind of mean and kind of my friend put The Suburbs on my computer one day after school. It was a super hot day; my hair was wet from the pool. I was 13. I still remember that day." Of course you do Lorde, it was last week.

Lorde picked 'Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)' as No.1 on the list, praising the "cracks and anguish in Win's vocal (and that one 'Whoo!'), the percussion, the burn of the chords." Have a look at the full list below. 

Other highlights of the New Zealand singer's prose includes her appraisal of 'Afterlife', in which she writes: "When I die I want someone to put my body in a funeral parlor so you have to kiss my dead lips, Sopranos-style, and I want this song on a loop. And there has to be a disco ball."

Arcade Fire released their fourth album, Reflektor, in 2013. You can listen to a Spotify playlist of Lorde's ten favourite Arcade Fire songs below.

Below: the ten most brilliant things Lorde has said

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