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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN

Dappy asks to stand on Yellow Pages in court (because he is small)

5ft 4inch N Dubz star faces assault charges


Dappy asks to stand on Yellow Pages in court (because he is small)

Photo: WENN

People have been laughing at Dappy again, but not because he's rubbish - this time, he caused a stir after asking to stand on the Yellow Pages in court. 

The N Dubz turned solo rapper is currently on trial for assault, but sent a titter through the courtoom when the 5ft 4in Big Brother contestant asked for a copy of the Yellow Pages so he could follow footage relating to the incident on a TV screen, reports the Daily Mail.

The 25-year-old denies assaulting George Chittock after becoming 'too intoxicated' from whisky and vodka at Chicago’s nightclub in Chelmsford, Essex

"I was functioning enough to do an amazing, successful show, so I certainly wasn’t drunk," said Dappy. 

The trial continues. 

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