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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by WENN

Tags: PJ Harvey 

PJ Harvey lyric sheets from Somerset House sessions on sale

The replica lyric sheets are from the public performances


PJ Harvey lyric sheets from recent public recording sessions on sale Photo: WENN

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Reproductions of the lyric sheets from PJ Harvey's recently publicly-viewed album recording are being sold online.

The singer's ninth album was recorded at Somerset House in London, after the recently opened New Wing was transformed into a recording studio with one-way glass.

Visitors were able to witness Harvey recording the new album, and, depending on what point in its development a particular song had reached, might have been treated to the discussion of a new track, the recording of a particular instrumental, or, if they were lucky, a complete song from the top.

Speaking of the unique experience, Harvey said: "I want Recording In Progress to operate as if we're an exhibition in a gallery. I hope visitors will be able to eperience the flow and energy of the recording process."

Now the album recording is finished, Somerset House is selling "exclusive lyric sheet reproductions" for £50, which includes the following songs: 'Sight Seeing South of the River' / 'Medicinals' / 'The Children' / 'The Ministry of Social Affaires' / 'The Revolving Wheel'/ 'Imagine This' / 'River Anacostia' / 'UNHCR'.

The website describes how "these unique lyric sheets were reproduced to illustrate how the process of songwriting entails numerous drafts." Whilst we would take issue with the word "unique", given that these are reproductions, the lyric sheets will surely be a fascinating purchase for PJ Harvey fans.


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  • Oct 2015


    O'Brien's , Allston

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