by Tom Skinner Contributor

Tags: The Luka State, The Beatles 

Premiere: The Luka State's video for 'Tomorrow Never Knows'

Indie rockers give Beatles classic a dark twist


Listen to The Luka State's Tomorrow Never Knows cover Photo:

Indie rock trio The Luka State covered The Beatles iconic track 'Tomorrow Never Knows' recently as a B-side to new single 'The Believer'. The trippy video for the cover has now been unveiled - watch it here on Gigwise first.

The video follows a worse-for-wear frontman Conrad Ellis around central London, capturing his bad trip hallucanations as he and stumbles around shady soho backstreets. 

"In the last year we’ve been bitten by the whole film bug, and after seeing the reaction to last year's 30 Minute Break, I wanted to do something special for the track," he said of the video. "As tempting as it was to get loaded for the shoot it’s actually all acting. We wanted to reimagine the track as a bad trip with a really dark feel and it was loads of fun!"

The track itself is a more menacing and twisted take on The Beatles classic, bringing it racing up to the present day and into the future. 

Eno-inspired single 'The Believer' - set for release on March 16 - is the first taste of material from the upcoming 7-track mini album, which is due later in the year. 

Watch the Gigwise premiere of The Luka State's 'Tomorrow Never Knows' video below

For more information on The Luka State, find them on:

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