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    Wake Me Up When Movember Ends: Best Moustaches In Music

    Gigwise counts down the best and worst upper-lip hair in the biz...

    November 01, 2011 by Luke Britton | Photo by WENN/Splash

    A day doesn't go by without me cursing my parents for handing their second born down these damn genes that prevent me from ever growing any substantial amount of facial hair. I guess it's all my father's genetics really, so I should keep my mother out of this. Well, check your calendars and see that it's the first of November and expect there to be a lot more of this hairless bemoaning in the near future.

    That's right, it's that time of the year again - Movember, a month dedicated to promoting the awareness of men's health by simultaneously keeping your upper lip warm for the wintry season.

    Last year, Joey Barton did it and now this year I'm among the desperate few clutching at any sort of straw that might assert non-existent plethoras of masculinity.

    We at Gigwise think you should all sign up for the good cause and get growin'! To spur you on, here's a photo gallery of some mighty fine lip-caterpillars in the world of rock and pop.

    You can also vote on our poll of the Best and Worst Moustaches In Rock here.

    You can keep up to date with all the latest news from Gigwise by following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook.

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