by Liz Hainsworth Contributor

Tags: Skuggsja 

Track by track review: Skuggsjá - Skuggsjá

'An expansive listening experience that defies genre and time'



Skuggsja Wardruna Enslaved album review & documentary before London Photo:

Skuggsjá (meaning to mirror, to reflect) began life as a collaboration between Enslaved’s Ivar Bjørnson and Einar Selvik of Wardruna, and a commission to celebration the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution. If you think that means this is going to be a conservative and restrained piece of work, you are unsurpassably mistaken.

There is a lot of ancient Norse here, but don’t get hung up on that - this is an opportunity to experience the unforgettable. For us, this is one incredibly intricate, divergent and almighty soundscape. This undefinable album does not sound like anything you’ve heard before.

1. 'Ull Kjem'
This succinct opening with a steady but unsettling beat, dappled with Ivar’s unmistakable voice sets a sombre tone is an intrepid invitation to the past before we travel to the present.

2. 'Skuggsjá'
The beckoning call of a goat horn transports us through time and space. Ivar’s authoritative voice builds an epic scene before Einar’s powerful and compelling choral notes echo, layering sound and senses to evoke chills in every bone. Strings strain under the growing tension with the passing of each second. Concluding abruptly, as if a spell has been cast, we are confined to our thoughts by a moment’s silence.

3. 'Makta Og Vanæra (I All Tid)'
Defiant black metal themes set a stark contrast to the previous track. A glorious sense of doom swells with guttural rasps creating an ominous clash between old and contemporary Norse - literally, with ‘Van’ (meaning dis), and ‘æra’ (meaning honour). This is fast paced fury at it’s best.

4. 'Tore Hund'
Casually gathering pace, this is perhaps the most easy-listening track Skuggsjá offers - not that this is easy-listening by any means, with its ever eclectic elegance.

5. 'Rop Frå Røynda - Mælt Frå Minne'
Translating the title of this track isn't an option, but place your mind in battle between reality and memory. This seemingly calm, trance-inducing track builds and demystifies, making way for awakening and realisation (we think.)

6. 'Skuggeslåtten'
An instrumental track offering no momentary rest-bite but not lacking in momentum, here is an audible harmony of paradoxes.

7. Kvervandi
The consensus translation of this old Norse title, “turning” or “whirling” goes some way to helping us understand why we hear palpable pain that conjures the feeling that we are baring witness to a healing process.

8. 'Vitkispá'
This track casts a sonic net far and wide, featuring striking simple vocals complimented by drums crashing with the force of thunder, Vitkispá is created from an edited old Norse poem.

9. 'Bøn Om Ending, Bøn Om Byrjing'
“Prayer for Ending, Prayer for Beginning”, carries tones of hope and optimism even with striking darkness of Ivar’s spoken words. Though feeling uncertain and unpredictable, there is a charming and hypnotic force at play here.

10. 'Ull Gjekk'
As this track fades, it is as if we are woken from a dream and left hopelessly baffled in the present day. With systemic calm and chaos, 'Ull Gjekk' is the prefect ending to a perfectly incomprehensible experience.

This month, London By Norse will be a three-day spectacular in the capital to celebrate 200 years of the Norwegian constitution with a range of awesome workshops, gigs and much more with the legendary Enslaved and the Nordic folk project, Wardruna. During the events, Nordic metal icons Enslaved will celebrate their 25 years together as a band with three huge shows across the city - one at The Dome and another at The Forge before culminating with Skuggsja at The Coronet. 

Skuggsja will be held on Saturday 19 March - a 'white knuckle' multimedia, art and music experience of historical and cultural exploration, with songs composed by Wardruna’s Einar Selvik and Enslaved’s Ivar Bjørnson, that will coincide with an album release via Season Of Mist Records.

For tickets and more information on the Skuggsja show, visit here.

Visit the London By Norse website for information and tickets regarding the individual events and passes to the whole weekend. 

Below: The best bands coming out of Norway that you need in your life

Liz Hainsworth


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