More about: Placebo

They certainly grabbed a firm foothold with a crowd who on this evidence were staunch Placebo fans and proved worthy of their own headline tour. The bass lines chugged along like a train on the way to hell, and this train is stopping for no one, well except to sleep with your mother.
Now it was up to Placebo to follow this great show which reminded me of why I fell in love with rock 'n' roll in the first place. They enter the focus of their die-hard fans drooling gaze to air their new album. Tonight we are treated to most of their latest offering, nine songs in total, and for me the best songs since 'Without You I'm Nothing'. So for the loyal, jolly fans (well maybe not that jolly) it's a welcome return to the spiky pop punk that Placebo excel at. I still can't help but get the vibe there are a few more gears unused in Placebos career to date, hence reminding me of a poor man's Smashing Pumpkins.

Bass player Stefan seemed especially lethargic tonight making the image of Homer Simpson having consumed shit loads of grade-A Afghan heroin seem lively! Brian Molko had a few more twists and twirls in his repertoire (ever so pretty) but never really managed to release the energy of an audience that were slaves at his command. The peak came with 'Bitter End' and a fantastic rendition of the Pixies 'Where Is My Mind'.
Photos by Sakura Henderson :: [email protected]
More about: Placebo