This week’s guest editors for Singled Out! are Grant and Mark from Feeder. When the band popped by the Gigwise office last week we gave them five new releases and ths is what they had to say…
Weezer – ‘Pork and Beans’
Grant: “It’s good. It sounds very old school Weezer. It reminds me of something that could be off the ‘Blue Album’. It’s a good track. I don’t know if it’s the best they’ve ever done but it’s got all the elements that people like about the band in there. There’s nothing new soundwise but it’s classic Weezer.”
Mark: “I Love it.”
Weezer are allowing their fans to join in on their current Hootenanny tour. Check out Gigwise’s video from the opening show in Phoenix here.
Black Kids – ‘Hurricane Jane’
Grant: “I definitely prefer the first single that they released. It’s one of those things, they’re quite an interesting band but I don’t know how much of them I could listen to in one go. There’s definitely a lot of Cure influences in there and lots of 80s as well. I think they were compared to Arcade Fire but I don’t quite see that. It’s alright.”
Mark: “I’d rather listen to Prefrab Sprout whilst gauging my eyes out with a fork.”
Black Kids spoke to Gigwise about their incredible rise earlier this year. To read what they had to say click here.
Glasvegas – ‘Geraldine’
Grant: “Yeah, I quite like it, it reminds me of being in school – it’s got that definite sort of 80s feel about it. It’s quite a haunting song. I was sort of waiting for a bigger chorus to kick in but it didn’t quite happen. I like the sound of the record, the actually production of it I like because it’s done with Rich Costey who did Muse. It’s got a very British sound to it, it’s definitely interesting.”
Mark: “I’m getting bored of this whole 80s thing.”
To read all about the history of Glasvegas, click here.
Five O’Clock Heroes feat. Agynes Deyn – ‘Who’
Mark: “I liked that the Five O’Clock Heroes; I’d like to hear their record. It’s got a great chorus.”
Grant: “It is amazing now how 80s has come in – it was so uncool for a while. Even the way she looks and the whole sound of the record – it’s unbelievable. Her fashion is totally the 80s look. I like that track; it’s got interesting vocals. She’s got a good voice and they both work well together.”
Gigwise caught up with Agyness Deyn and Five O’Clock Heroes last week for an exclusive interview. Read what they had to say here.
MGMT – ‘Electric Feel’
Grant: “I brought the album so I really love that song. I know they’re very in demand but they’ve actually got the songs to back it up. It’s really interesting. There a lot of possible singles on their album. Even the first single, they absolutely nailed it.”
Grant couldn’t get enough of MGMT. Check out what we thought about the band’s debut album in our review here.