Come December when every music site/mag/paper releases their Album Of The Year poll expect to see The National's ‘Boxer’ firmly inside the top 10 of every last one. It’s a critics album for sure, all drab suits, serious outlook and ‘crafted songs,’ none of these are bad things but they don’t really create an aura of excitement do they? ‘Apartment Story’ taken from said album is what’s commonly referred to as a ‘grower,’ after about ten plays it creates a personality for itself and you start to get it, but ten times is a lot. The track has a truly lovely video though, which is fitting as the song has a wide spanning cinematic feel. It’s a typical slice of The Nationals musical pie, slow building, morose and layered with Matt Berningers deep baritone voice. It has to be said that ‘Apartment Song’ works much better inside the album than it does a stand alone track however as an introduction (for you Johnny come latelys) it’s a perfect place to start. Just be warned, if you are going to fall in love with this band you are going to fall hard.
Released 05/11/07 on Beggars Banquet.
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