Having pricked the ears of the radio Jocks that matter, Hush The Many (Heed The Few) bundle a load of intelligence and rhythm onto the visionary track ‘Revolve’ - laced like a rum punch with a kick and a kiss, the tidy verses and cello underscore with the chorus – “Because everything comes in its’ time/ the freakout/ the divine…” forming a rousing male/female duet between Nima and Alexandra respectively. ‘Storyend’ moves in a day dreamy, atmospheric acoustic manner that signals a band with auspicious directions, laced with the poetic observations - “it’s like water dripping off the leaves…it’s like sunshine filtered through the trees.” For those looking for the next Arcade Fire or Get Cape, you’d do well to listen up. Note to self – earmark this band.
Released 07/04/08 on Alcopop!
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