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Tags: The Darkness 

The Darkness: 'If it all goes wrong, it's part of the fun'

Band discuss comeback, media backlash and the importance of guitar music


The Darkness: 'If it all goes wrong, it's part of the fun' Photo:

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After the huge success of their debut album Permission To Land, The Darkness faced a rocky road with the release of follow-up One Way Ticket To Hell.., And Back, line-up changes and a change of heart from the mainstream media.

Now, back in a big way for 2012 with the original members and new album Hot Cakes, The Darkness are on top form, with a support slot on Lady Gaga's upcoming Born This Way ball shows in the UK.

As the band release their new album, we caught up with Justin Hawkins and Ed Graham from the band. We discussed whether the band really do hate each other (as Justin Hawkins previously revealed), how they prepared for bottles of p*ss to be thrown at them during their Download slot, the media backlash they suffered after the release of their second album - and why they think the music industry is falling apart...

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