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CSS: 'We made the best album of our career in LA'

We talk to the Brazilian band about their new album, longevity and hangovers


CSS: 'We made the best album of our career in LA'

Photo: Press

CSS are back with their fourth album, Planta. We caught up with them on the Gigwise couch to discuss their origins, working on the record with Beady Eye producer Dave Sitek, the best way to overcome a hangover and the effects of working in LA. Watch our interview with the band below.

The 'Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above' stars will release Planta on 10 June, 2013. 

 "We've been together for 10 years now," the band said to Gigwise, speaking about their origins. "In the beginning we didn't think that we'd be together for one show."

Speaking about their danceable and infectious sound, they said: "We grew up listening to rock music...but we also really liked pop music. It turns out that we always have this reggae vibe that we want to put on the record."

"This was the first album that we made outside of Sao Paulo, and I think being in LA really influenced us. The vibe just made us feel good enough to write the best album of our career."


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