A handful of tunes we reckon you'll hear an awful lot over the next few months

17:25 5th June 2013

The sun is out, so it's time for everyone to get over-excited about the potential arrival of summer - even though it's highly likely we'll be under three feet of snow by this time next week.

However, if the current sunny spell isn't just a meterological fluke, we're going to need a soundtrack to the summer. We've put together a short playlist to get the ball rolling for the sun, and it might be one of the few playlists you'll find right now which includes tracks from both Queens Of The Stone Age AND Mariah Carey. Trust on the Mariah thing - it's a great track.

From Australian pop to French disco and back to tribal-indie-dance, check out seven very big songs that we reckon will be on the soundtrack all the way through the summer of 2013...

 Check out our seven big tracks for summer 2013 below