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Tags: Julian Casablancas

Watch: Julian Casablancas debuts new solo track, 'Ego'

Strokes star reveals impressive new track in US


Watch: Julian Casablancas debuts new solo track, 'Ego'


Former Strokes frontman and Daft Punk collaborator Julian Casablancas has revealed a brand new track from his upcoming solo album. Listen to 'Ego' below.

Performed this week at The Handlebar in Florida, Casablancas has been playing a number of warm-up shows ahead of his stop-off at this year's South By South West festival. The new track shares the hallmarks of classic Strokes records, with Casablancas' distinctive drawl sitting atop an impressive, and sure to become iconic, guitar riff.

Watch Casablancas perform 'Ego' below

Other new tracks from the star include '2231', 'Dr Acula', and 'Arabic', but these have yet to appear online.

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