by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by Screenshot

Watch: Festival-goers tricked into praising fake bands at SXSW

Music fans declare their love for 'Heavy Flow' and more


Watch: Festival-goers tricked into praising fake bands at SXSW

Photo: Screenshot

If you ever needed convincing that lying on camera is a terrible idea, this video of festival-goers humiliating themselves will do the trick. American talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has tricked a host of eager-to-impress South By Southwesters into praising bands that are completely fictitious. Watch it below.

In an episode of 'Lie Witness News', which has become a regular feature on Jimmy Kimmel's show, festival-goers were asked their opinion on made-up bands such as 'Neil Patrick Harrassment', 'Heavy Flow', and 'I'm Not Done With The Salad.'

According to some very talented bullshitters, Neil Patrick Harrassment "have a pretty good sound... It's very entertaining", Hannah and the Baby Bjorns are "very versatile", and Jamie Lannister And His Sister are going to "send a wave through America." (This man was clearly not a Game Of Thrones fan.)

Watch SXSW fans making a complete fool of themselves below

Jimmy Kimmel is currently in Austin, Texas, where he has been presenting his show 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' from the festival all week.

Some of the real acts that have performed at this year's South By Southwest include Jay Z and Kanye West, Damon Albarn & Snoop Dogg, and Lady Gaga.

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