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by Michael Baggs

Tags: White Sea

Listen: White Sea streams debut album, In Cold Blood in full

M83 star drops stunning collection of electropop


Listen: White Sea streams debut album, In Cold Blood in full


Anthony Gonzalez may be the main-man behind French electropop collective M83, but after listening to the debut album from collaborator Morgan Kibby, it's obvious that Gonzalez isn't the only one in the band with a knack for flawless, soaring electropop. Listen to Kibby's debut album, as White Sea, below.

Following the release of brilliant singles 'Prague' and 'Future Husbands Past Lives', Kibby delivers consistently across the 10-track album, which is packed with beautiful pop hooks, dark moments of electronica and spectacular vocals that touch the giddy heights of Kate Bush in places, the sensuality of Stevie Nicks in others. In short, this is a must-listen album - and well worth investing your time in. With the right push, White Sea could stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Haim, Florence + The Machine at the very top of modern-day female artists.

Listen to In Cold Blood, the debut album from White Sea below. The album is released 20 May, 2014.

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