Turns out he's actually rather good
Ed Keeble
10:49 24th September 2014

A video of a nerd freestyle rapping in the hood has gone viral. The best thing about it? He's actually pretty good. Watch the video below.

Posted by BigDawsTV, it shows Juan Gonzalez, adopting a suitably geeky persona, hitting the hood with boombox in tow. After asking passers-by for a jump off word (including 'Wanderlust', 'Black Jesus' and 'Bitch'), he gets into his bars and while not perfect, he manages to put in a bloody good effort. Respect sir. 

 Watch Nerd Raps In The Hood below

"I honestly think this may be the best video I've ever made," says 'Big Daws'. "We went to the hood with a boom box and I rapped with the homies. At first I was nervous because when I was practicing my freestyles in the car I couldn't rhyme very well, lets just say I was having an off day but once I got out there I think I did alright"