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Win! Get Festival Ready with a £500 festival essentials kit

Share your experiences of being lost at a festival - and get kitted out


Win! Get Festival Ready with a £500 festival essentials kit Photo:

This week sees the release of new free app, Festival Ready, which is this year's festival smartphone essential and is designed to keep friends together at festivals - and make sure no one ever needs to get lost in a campsite ever again.

The app lets festival goers mark on a map where they have pitched their tent, lets you see where your mates are around the festival - and best of all, guide you straight to them with augmented reality. The app also includes a packing checklist to make sure you're not caught short, weather updates, a torch, 'sound flare rave alarm and LED messaging. A 21st century alternative to a swiss army knife - exactly as the manufacturer intended.

To celebrate the launch of the new app, we've teamed up with Festival Ready to give away a Victorinox festival kit - which includes a tent, rucksack and Victorinox Swiss Army Knife.

All you need to do to win is get on Twitter and tell us about your best or worst experience of being lost at a festival, starting your tweet #festivalready @gigwise

For example, this would be ours: #festivalready @gigwise Lost friends Friday & Saturday at Secret Garden 2010 - so made a new ones. All forgotten by the next day however :(

We'll pick our favourites at the end of the week. Get tweeting!

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