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Words With: The Immortal Lee County Killers II

Words With: The Immortal Lee County Killers II

October 08, 2003 by Darren Sykes
Words With: The Immortal Lee County Killers II
The Immortal Lee County Killers II
I caught up with JR and Chetley at The Night and Day in Manchester, shortly after they had finished their soundcheck. They had travelled down during the day in a blue Ford Transit Alpha from a show the previous night in Glasgow. They were both very relaxed and very open and chatty as we discussed life in The Immortal Lee County Killers II and striving to be the top dogs. The guys are Chetley Dale Wise - Guitar/vocals and JRR Token - Drums. Home is - Auburn in Lee County, Alabama.

Gigwise - How long have the band been together with the current line up?
Chetley/JR - We have been together for 3 years but musically for 6 years with other bands.

Gigwise - Where did the name of the band come from?
- The 'Killers' part came from a Jerry Lee Lewis song, the 'Lee County' comes from our birthplace. We wanted to create a name with life and energy and give people something to think about, keep them on their toes.

Gigwise - Are you friends as well as band members?
- We have become brothers. You obviously spend a lot of time together on the road and in the studio so you become very close. In our time outside the band we hang out together but also have our own things we enjoy doing.

Gigwise - How long did it take to put the new album 'Love Unbolts The Dark Together'?
Chetley/JR - Putting the album together is around a one year process. All the songs on the album have been played at previous shows. Half the album was put down in the studio and the other half is all live material. The album is released in Europe on 6th October but not released in The States until Feb 2004. The States release will have slight differences but nothing major. We also plan to release both versions on vinyl.

Gigwise - Would you consider doing a live album?
- Live is a very valid medium. Maybe one day when the band wraps up.

Gigwise - What have been the best shows so far?
Chetley/JR - Gothenberg and Vienna were cool and also Dublin and Newcastle. A couple had low attendances but that's the way it is. We tend to judge a good show by the level of performance, that is very important.

Gigwise - What's the next planned single release?
Chetley/JR - We have released some singles in The States. We are possibly setting something up with a Glasgow label or the Sweet Nothing label to release something in Europe.

Gigwise - Who produced the new album?
Chetley - I suppose I produced about a third of the album and Lynn Bridges did the rest. Unfortunately the album was delayed due to Lynn being involved with another project with Jimmy Johnston.

Gigwise - Other than the album how many songs do you have at the finished stage?
- We have a couple of new songs that we have slated. JR and I are constantly coming up with new ideas. There will be a compliation album out shortly featuring bands from Alabama.

Gigwise - What music are you currently listening to?
- At the moment I am listening to Federation X, anything on the bluesy Fat Possom Label. The Kills are a good band, we exchanged records with them at a recent show.
JR - Dr Feelgood, Johnny Cash, Bod Dylan and a little Joy Division since we have been in The UK.

Gigwise - Would you say you are influenced by any music past or present?
- John Lee Hooker, Hound Dog Taylor and The House Rockers, Missisippi Red, J Coltrane, The Stones, Sabbath, Zeppelin to mention a few.

Gigwise - What was the last album you bought?
Chetley - The Byrds - Untitled, which was a re-buy after wearing the other one out!!! Hendrix - Wild Blue Angel, Dylans 1975 album - Rolling Thunder Review.
JR - It was a while ago but the last two were Cool Keith and Outcast.

Gigwise - What was the last paying gig you went to?
JR - The Flaming Lips - what a cool band, it was the third time I have seen them. The problem is you have to travel 2-3 hours from Alabama to watch a show in Atlanta.
Chetley - Iggy Pop was the last show I paid into.

Gigwise - Do you have your own travelling sound engineer?
Chetley/JR - No we don't at the moment but we would like to have one at some point. It's quite straight forward being a two piece, the bass and treble for the guitar go through the same cad.

Gigwise - Do friends and family travel with you on tour?
JR - Just Johann, the tour manager - he gets us everywhere and is very important to the band.

Gigwise - Are you planning any European dates?
Chetley - We recently played in Europe and have been touring all year with a few breaks in between. We also played Japan.

Gigwise - How would you measure success?
Chetley/JR - To be touring, making music and playing places like Manchester. We knew we had to break out of Alabama if we were to succeed, playing our music to as many people as possible. Success can be about luck and being in the right place at the right time. To be were we are can be measured as success.

Gigwise - If you had to choose a career outside music what would it be?
Chetley - Mixed martial arts. I have been doing it for about 2 years, it's not about knocking someone's head off it's about controlling your feelings and testing out your mentality and mind thought. It takes you out of the box and beyond convention. I am very much a pacifist. You get two comparisons like JR and I working together in the band, were as martial arts you have two people trying to out think and out wit each other, therefore working against each other. It has helped me to express myself on stage.
JR - I would become an artist. It is something that I do in my spare time now. I concentrate on facial features making pictures 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres on numerous surfaces. I like to use acrylic paint and laquer. My favourite colours are reds, yellows and oranges. It would be really cool to have my own gallery one day.

Gigwise - How do you like to chill out after the show?
JR - I go to the merchandise table and chat to the fans, maybe have a smoke.
Chetley - Go back to the dressing room and settle down, have a smoke and then go to the merchandise table. I thank the guys very much for their time and we head off to the bar for a well earned beer.

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