German Pop Alle Jahre Wieder Lyrics by Roland Kaiser

roland kaiser alle jahre wieder songtext

Roland Kaiser is a well-known German singer and songwriter from Berlin. He started his music career in the early 1970s and became famous for popular songs like Santa Maria, Joana, and Sieben Fässer Wein.

He was also honored with the Federal Cross of Merit for helping needy children. Despite health issues, he continues to make music and perform for fans.

His latest album, Alles oder Dich, was released in 2019, and he remains a beloved figure in German entertainment with a career that has lasted over 40 years.

About the Song

“Alle Jahre Wieder” is a popular German Christmas song that celebrates the return of Christmas every year. It brings feelings of joy, peace, and warmth during the holiday season.

Detail Information
Release Date October 8, 2021
Album Goldene Weihnachtszeit
Writer Traditional
Producer Roland Kaiser 

Alle Jahre Wieder Lyrics by Roland Kaiser 

Alle Jahre wieder
Kommt das Christuskind
Auf die Erde nieder
Wo wir Menschen sind

Kehrt mit seinem Segen
Ein in jedes Haus
Geht auf allen Wegen
Mit uns ein und aus

Steht auch mir zur Seite
Still und unerkannt
Dass es treu mich leite
An der lieben Hand

Alle Jahre wieder
Kommt das Christuskind
Auf die Erde nieder
Wo wir Menschen sind

Alle Jahre wieder
Kommt das Christuskind
Auf die Erde nieder
Wo wir Menschen sind

Similar Songs Like Alle Jahre Wieder

Here’s a list of similar fun-Christmasy songs like Alle Jahre Wieder:

  • Santa Maria: It’s an upbeat song with a Mediterranean vibe that became an international hit. The song’s cheerful rhythm and romantic lyrics make it a favorite in many countries.
  • Joana: This is a heartfelt, emotional ballad. In this song, Roland Kaiser sings about his love for a woman named Joana.
  • Dich zu Lieben: This is a classic love song in the Schlager style. It’s about the joy and devotion of loving someone deeply.
  • Lieb’ Mich Ein Letztes Mal: This song reflects the emotion of a final farewell, with Roland Kaiser pleading for one last moment of love.
  • Einsamer Stern: This song is a beautiful ballad with themes of loneliness and yearning. Roland Kaiser’s delivery of the lyrics and the soft melody have made it one of his most beloved songs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Alle Jahre Wieder?

Alle Jahre wieder is a traditional German Christmas carol that translates to Every Year Again. Roland Kaiser recorded a version of this song, adding pop elements to the classic tune.

How Does Roland Kaiser’s Version Differ from the Traditional One?

Kaiser adds modern pop elements, including backing vocals and subtle rhythmic tunes, while maintaining the song’s festive tone.

What is the Significance of this Song in German Culture?

As a beloved Christmas carol, Alle Jahre Wieder holds an emotional connection for many Germans, symbolizing the joy and warmth of the holiday season.

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