Looking for a band from Brooklyn to convince you that New York isn't only full of bankers? Well, here's one. OxenFree sound convincingly like they come from New York ten years ago or more when the indie rock scene was pumping.
Perhaps there was something in the air in Nashville the day they went down to record this tracks that manages to see them detangle from the intensity of the Big Apple and find their stride.
OxenFree’s new EP - from which this track is taken - was recorded with producer Andrija Tokic in his Nashville studio, whose other credits include Alabama Shakes, Hurray for the Riff Raff, Benjamin Booker and Clear Plastic Masks.
The synth feels very 70s, the vocals are nice balance between left-leaning psychedelia and direct-hard hitting indie and anguished hardcore. The drums have that simple approach that echoes the neo-psychedelia of East London that was popping a few years ago.
The band say the track is "about reflecting a fear of and fight against turning into an automaton - driven by money, god, distorted sense of self. This is the most personal song on the record and also the one that took the longest to work through.
Visually, they emplyed Matt Smithson, a director, animator and designer of - and this is according to the press release - "all-things-awesome." We'll give him that one. It looks brilliant and the song sounds like the work of a band that could make a real splash over here in the UK. The hard work paid off.