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Patti Smith Injured In On Stage Fall

But she isn't embarrassed...

October 23, 2007 by Daniel Melia | Photo by Steve Goudie

Patti Smith came to earth with a bump on Saturday night after falling and injuring herself during a gig in London.

The Punk legend was playing at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire at a tribute gig to poet Arthur Rimbaud when she tripped over a speaker.

However, despite a cut to the elbow Smith carried on regardless telling the audience that she’d suffered much worse indignations in her lifetime.

She told the audience: “I'm not even ****ing embarrassed because I've done far worse.

"May (guitars) be the only weapons we use, may tripping up be the only humiliations we suffer, and may these (pointing to her elbow) be the only battle scars."

  • A big up to Patti, a true rock legend; keeping it real, and committed to her art - Patti we salute you !!

    ~ by AJ 10/23/2007 Report

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  • .....besides, this was pretty much the greatest performance i’ve ever seen anyone do. bizarre that there’ve been so many bits of writing on her ’fall’, which she easily got over in seconds and didn’t look too bad from close up, especially sad that the n.m.e chose to use this rather than a review.. especially when she’s given them so many covers. yeah.. they played great =]

    ~ by martha jagger 10/23/2007 Report

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  • The fall was not even worthy of a story... The performance was. Maybe NME should go back to what it used to do best, quality journalism and good descriptives to explain the songs and mood of the concert. next time let Paul Morley to a guest review of Patti. The crowd were mesmerised and she delivered a blistering set of old, new and cover songs.

    ~ by Colin 10/24/2007 Report

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  • This is one of the three best (I could almost say life changing) gigs I’ve seen (the admittedly more obscure others were The Triffids in 1987 and Ed Kuepper in 1992). Her appearance at the Empire seemed to get almost universally ignored by the media. Perhaps she isn’t regarded as ”trendy” any more....She played in Oxford at a smaller venue the following Monday and appeared unaffected by her fall. It was Saturday’s gig that was truly astonishing though.

    ~ by Andrew 10/25/2007 Report

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