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Sperm for Tickets Website Overcome By Potential Donors

They call for an end...

March 14, 2008 by Jason Gregory
Sperm for Tickets Website Overcome By Potential Donors

Sperm For Tickets, a new pilot scheme which offered people festival tickets in return for sperm donations, has called a halt to the experiment.

An urgent update posted on the scheme’s website says that “applications for donation packs have far exceeded the expectations.”

“Our clients are calling a halt to the invitation to apply for packs,” it continued, “and will review the results of the scheme to decide on how to proceed.”

The new initiative was launched earlier this week after fertility clinics in Ireland admitted that they were in a state of crisis.

In the last four years, Sperm donations have fallen by nearly 40% in the country and supply is failing to meet demand.

Potential donors were told that they could donate using specially developed donation containers which were then sent by courier.

The statement thanked applicants for their interest, but didn’t confirm whether the experiment would continue.

“If the clinic decide to proceed with the mail system after examining the results of the pilot scheme, all people who applied for donation packs will be contacted,” it concluded.

  • Bunch of ****ing tossers

    ~ by Meh 3/14/2008 Report

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  • Oh check your facts: it’s a wind up by Irish students from Dublin Uni.

    ~ by Fred Zeppelin 3/14/2008 Report

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