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    Jarvis Cocker: 'Conservative Government Beckons For Britain'

    Former Pulp frontman speaks...

    April 28, 2009 by Jason Gregory | Photo by Shirlaine Forrest

    Jarvis Cocker has criticised the Prime Minister and said it is “necessary” for a Conservative government to return to power in the UK.

    The singer, who now lives in Paris, made the comments during an interview with GQ about the credit crunch.

    Cocker said he found it “difficult” to discuss the current political climate in the UK, but admitted: “It's all a bit lame, isn't it?"

    He said he couldn’t understand why British government was trying to save “a banking system that obviously doesn’t work”.

    The former Pulp frontman, who described Gordon Brown’s actions as a “mockery”, added: “Why don't they say, 'Well, sod that, let's do something else?'"

    Cocker is understood to have been a Labour supporter during the 1990s – a period when both the party and British music enjoyed a renaissance.

    But he said it was now time for a change of power at the head of British politics.

    "A Conservative government is necessary," he said. "There is no credible alternative. You can sense an era passing."

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    • I agree with Jarvis. It's time the UK gets the tories in power led by the fantastic David Cameron. For too long now we've let Labour pull us further into an econmic recession which THEY created. I hope Jarvis can make a trip back to the UK to speak on behalf of the conservatives. Maybe at a party conference or something?

      ~ by Alan 4/28/2009 Report

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    • Its time for a constitutional change, direct democracy and no political parties. The Tories are a waste of space as much as New Labour theres a fag paper between them. Jarvis is talking utter shite

      ~ by Bethemedia 4/28/2009 Report

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    • What is it with the british people? You will all be crying two years after the tories get in, when they start clamping down on immigration, embracing jingoism, whacking up taxes and going to war with Iran. A new breed of tory scum awaits, only this time they listened to the Smiths.

      ~ by banger 1/9/2010 Report

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