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Jay-Z: 'The Rise Of The BNP Is A Problem'

He speaks British politics...

February 22, 2010 by Jason Gregory | Photo by
Jay-Z: 'The Rise Of The BNP Is A Problem' Add to My Fav Bands List
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Jay-Z says the rise of the BNP  is a “problem” and that Britain needs a new leader with the charisma of Barack Obama to “galvanise” voters.

The rapper, who is actively engaged in US politics, said it was up to the British public to demand change.

He told The Sun: "Everyone needs new blood once in a while. And Britain needs it to shake up the country.

“People are calling it Broken Britain, so there's obviously a problem.”

Jay-Z added that neither Gordon Brown nor David Cameron were capable of engaging with young voters.

This, the rapper indicated, was vital to prevent the rise of political parties such as the BNP, who have enjoyed recent success at the polls.

"The rise of the BNP is also a problem,” he said.

“Power is dangerous in the hands of the wrong person and it's up to the people to get them out of there - which goes back to voting.

"We have to use that power. We can't just sit back and not vote - that's dangerous.”

Jay-Z went on to praise the way President Obama had connected with the US public before stepping into The White House.

He also renewed his support to the president, whose recent policy changes have been blighted by a number of setbacks.

As previously reported on Gigwise, the rapper will play a series of UK dates this summer.

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  • Why not stick to what you're good at - which is er....

    ~ by poopascoopa 2/22/2010 Report

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  • Mind your own business and don't you dare ever think you can come to my country and tell me who I should vote for.

    ~ by Rob 2/22/2010 Report

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  • He's told you not to vote for a fascist. Good advice for everyone I think.

    ~ by MS 2/22/2010 Report

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  • Nick Griffin is Not a Fascist. Jay, whatever your name is, stay out of our politics, go make a few more million recording music for twelve year olds. !

    ~ by JayZisrubbish 2/22/2010 Report

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  • Mmmm, not sure if Obama has charisma? If he did its gone now. All talk and no action. Hey, Jay-Z, you sound like a left wing parrot, keep to rap, and stay out of British politics, on second thoughts get a real job.

    ~ by Eric 2/22/2010 Report

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