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Tags: Babyshambles

Tottenham's David Bentley Buys Pete Doherty Guitar

After spotting it at fashion house...


Tottenham's David Bentley Buys Pete Doherty Guitar


Tottenham Hotspur footballer David Bentley has paid £70,000 to buy a guitar once played by Pete Doherty.

The winger stumped up the cash for the instrument after spotting it at the headquarters of Gio-Goi, a fashion label Doherty has previously worked with.

"I love it,” he said. “I will outbid anybody. I need that for my house.”

Doherty, a Queens Park Rangers fan, last played the guitarist during a gig at Selfridges in London in 2006, according to The Sun newspaper.

Meanwhile, the Babyshambles and Libertines singer appeared in court this week charged with drugs possession.

Doherty is also one of a number of artists taking part in a new Christmas version John Cage’s song of silence, ‘4’33’.

Rock Star Who Nearly Made It As Professional Footballers


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