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Jim Carrey Declares Love To Emma Stone

The actor posts a love video dedicated to her on his website...

August 25, 2011 by Andrea Trachsel | Photo by

Mr Popper's Penguin star Jim Carrey has declared his love to Emma Stone after posting a home-video dedicated to her on his website.

The actor, who posted the video on his website praised the Amazing Spider-Man actress and admitted that if he were younger he would have married her.

He said: "I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty but smart and kindhearted."

"If I were a lot younger I would marry you and we would have chubby little freckle-faced kids. We'd laugh all day long and go camping and play Yahtzee and tell ghost stories by the fire," he added.

The 49 year-old actor also joked about his age, admitting it took him longer to go to the toilet now he was older.

"And everyday for the rest of your life you would thank God that I was the appropriate age for you. But I'm not. I'm 49. I have lines on my face. Sometimes a little gray in my beard and it takes me a lot longer to pee than it used to."

The actor finished off his video of admiration by wishing Stone success and happiness in the future: "I just wanted to let you know how I felt," he said.

"I think you're pretty special. I wish you continued success and artistic fulfillment but most of all I wish you love and contentment. That's all."

Emma stone is currently filming The Amazing Spider-Man, a reboot of the superhero franchise starring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.

The Amazing Spider-Man will be released July 3, 2012.

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