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    Top Gear India Special Labelled 'Disgusting' By Indian Diplomats

    Said programme was offensive...

    January 12, 2012 by Holly Frith | Photo by

    Top Gear's Christmas special in India has been criticised by the High Commission Of India for being "offensive".

    The episode, which was shows on December 28, included jokes about the country's food ans trains.

    The 'toilet humour' has now triggered the High Commission Of India to write to the BBC to complain.

    In a the letter, published in the Daily Telegraph, criticised the programme's lack of cultural sensitivity.

    He wrote: The programme was replete with cheap jibes, tasteless humour and lacked cultural sensitivity that we expect from the BBC. I write this to convey our deep disappointment over the documentary for its content and the tone of the presentation. You are clearly in breach of the agreement that you had entered into, completely negating our constructive and proactive facilitation.

    A senior Indian diplomat also told the BBC: "In the letter, we did convey our disappointment because we have a long-standing relationship with the BBC which is one of admiration and co-operation.

    "India is a developing country, we have very many issues to address, all that is fine but it is not fine to broadcast this toilet humour. There are many parts of the programme that people have complained about. It's not only Indians, it's also our British friends - it goes much beyond."

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