by David Renshaw | Photos by WENN

Tags: Katy Perry

Katy Perry 'asking more questions' since Russell Brand divorce

Star takes hit 'E.T.' to heart and reveals fascinaton with life on other planets


Katy Perry 'asking more questions' since Russell Brand divorce

Photo: WENN

Katy Perry has revealed that she is 'obsessed' with the idea of life on other planets.

Citing her religious background as reason for her curiosity, Katy revealed her alien interest in a new interview, saying: “I’m fascinated by that kind of stuff because of how I grew up, where everything was so black and white."

“Now I’m seeing a lot more colour in the world and asking more questions. So I’m very into things that are above and beyond me and were before me and will be after me.”

Katy has also taken an interest in US show Ancient Aliens, and is making her whole crew sit down and watch it with her.

“I’ve ordered 50 of those DVDs" Katy says, “I sent out a Christmas gift basket to people filled with my favourite things and the first season of Ancient Aliens was one of the things I included."

“It’s so good. I made everyone on my tour watch it. I’m just obsessed.”

Katy recently hinted that her new music will be much darker in content, maybe she will be collaborating with an extra terrstrial of her own?


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