by David Renshaw | Photos by WENN

Tags: Example

Example refuses to use Twitter for commercial gain

He's no Kim Kardashian in the social media stakes


Example refuses to use Twitter for commercial gain

Photo: WENN

Example has said that he refuses to use his Twitter account to make money, even though he is regularly offered the chance to promote products to his many followers.

'Changed The Way You Kiss Me' star Example has a big reputation on Twitter as being opinionated, funny and honest - a reputation that has seen him amass over one million followers. Naturally, advertisers are keen to tap into this audience and have offered to pay him to pretend he is using their products, however Example has other ideas.

“I’m making money from touring so I don’t feel I have to sell my soul to the devil, he told the Daily Star. Adding: “People were trying to pay me to say I use a certain TV, and said they’d give me a whole entertainment system, as well as pay me.

“All they wanted was a Tweet, saying: ‘Look at my new home entertainment system.’ I said no as I don’t believe in that sort of stuff.”

Meanwhile, Example recently criticised a number of UK music festivals saying that they 'don't make sense' a lot of the time.


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