by Ed Keeble Contributor | Photos by

Tags: Lily Allen 

Lily Allen was never offered Game Of Thrones role, says Alfie Allen

Theon Greyjoy disputes the sister's claims


Lily Allen was never offered Game Of Thrones role, says Alfie Allen Photo:

Alfie Allen has revealed that sister Lily was never asked to play Yara Greyjoy in fantasy series Game of Thrones - despite her claims to the contrary.

Last month after Lily was taking part in an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit, when a fan brought up brother Alfie and him finding a job on such a highly regarded show. "How did you feel when you told Alfie to get a job," the fan wrote, "he immediately went and got a job on the coolest show on tv?"

"I've been asked to do a Game of Thrones cameo," responded Allen. "They asked me if I'd be interested in playing Theon's sister [Yara], and I felt uncomfortable because I would have had to go on a horse and he would have touched me up and shit. Once they told me what was entailed, I said no thanks. I would be open to doing a musical cameo like Sigur Ros, though."

See if you can imagine Lily in the role of Yara below

Now Alfie Allen has commented on the story, saying simply: "it's not true". When asked about the proposition by Vulture, he responded: "I heard about [the cameo offer]. The only thing I'm going to say on that is that it's not true. And also that Gemma Whalen was always their first choice for the part. And she's fantastic. And that's the only thing I'm going to say about that."

Looks like Lily Allen may have been telling a few porkies along the way there. 

 Below: Game Of Thrones recast with the biggest stars in music

Ed Keeble


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