Wind-up mobile phone charger: If you must use your phone at a festival, then don't waste hours of your time queuing for the charging tent. Take one of these handy things and get some wrist exercise. They're pretty cheap from most gadget and camping shops. (Source:
Headtorch: If you come back to your tent a bit tipsy, using a torch can be a rather fruitless task, as you try and hold the light source in one hand and frantically search for your sleeping bag with the other. A cheap head torch takes away the pressure of hand-eye coordination three days into a festival, and makes finding your worldly possessions infinitely simpler.
Jelly: Lighter than taking anything in a tin, little pots of jelly are clearly the way forward. The fact that they're fruit flavoured lets you convince yourself that you're being healthy, and it's a quick dose of sugary goodness to pep you up. Just don't forget the plastic spoon.
Sun lotion: Because miracles do happen. (Source:
Crisps: Not only do you not need to cook them, but the salt in crisps replaces that lost from drinking. More science for you, there.
Supermarket drug supply: Before a festival it may seem expensive to buy various tablets and remedies from your local branch of Boots, but come the morning after the first night it may be the best decision you ever made. Stock up on Nurofen, Rennie and Berocca beforehand (or just raid your housemates� first aid kit if you wanna save cash). Pick up some plasters too, festivals are a mucky place to injure yourself. (Source:
Mini trolley: These can be picked up for surprisingly cheap. While you may not think of it as essential, it turns carrying around all of your booze and camping gear into an absolute dream. (Source:
Gaffa tape: Perhaps the most vital item in this list, due to the fact it can pretty much fix anything at a festival (apart from the hangover). You can never have enough Gaffa Tape.(Source:
Toilet roll: A simple item that's far-too-easy to forget, but ultimately essential. Don't rely on festival toilets to still have some three days in. We'd hate for you to get caught short. (Source:
A massive water bottle: A five litre one should do you right - preventing too many knackering trips to the water taps and perfect you want to give yourself a refreshing over-head festival shower. (Source:
Breakfast in a tin: Don�t knock it until you've tried it. A �breakfast� in a tin may contain your entire weekend�s recommended salt allowance, but when you compare it to trekking across a muddy field for a 6 quid bacon sandwich, we know what we�d choose.
An airbed: They're surprisingly cheap, easy to carry and inflate - and make a world of difference. Turn four days of hard-partying interspersed with sleeping on a cold, hard floor into feeling like an absolute KING/QUEEN. Just look how HAPPY these guys are.
Wellies: It will be muddy, you will need these. You can be as fashionable or practical as you like, just make sure you have some now, before you pay over the odds when you get there. Long welly socks will also prevent unpleasant chaffing.
Bin bags: Leave Glastonbury as you found it - tidy and beautiful. These are also essential when it comes to handling your wet and muddy clothes.
Tent pegs: Buy more. You probably have less than you think and a fair few will certainly disappear over the course of the coming days. (Source:
Booze, lots of booze: Drink responsibly kids, but don't be too conservative when it comes to buying booze to take. Once it's gone, it's gone, and it can be a ball-ache (and expensive) to buy more crates on site and you're going to need a fair bit to get through the days. Look at Glasto veterans Status Quo here with their own branded keg - they know what they're doing.
5 HTP: Not that we're condoning the taking of any naughty substances, but if you absolutely must, then pick up some 5 HTP from a chemist or health food shop before. It will restore you to your full self in no time, like a mushroom to Mario.
Wet wipes: Ooooh, 'moist velvet - soft soft soft'. Wouldn't you like to feel like that? Well, you're unlikely to get near a shower, so be sure to pack plenty of these for that early morning scrub under the arms and around the key areas to keep yourself feeling fresh.