Sleaford Mods: Simple as this, they tweeted: "Why hasn't Donald Trump been shot?" - It would be an ironic end to Trump considering his firearm stances.
The Mountain Goats: "Donald Trump is a fascist. It is important to use the right word when describing his politics, which are the politics of fascism" - we broke down the elements of fascism into a spreadsheet and, unsurprisingly, Trump ticks all the boxes.
Rou Reynolds: "SUCH a disparity of political options in America. The primitive, thoughtless, knee-jerk reactionary Trump + the prudent progressive Sanders" - the Enter Shikari vocalist highlights one of the most significant aspects of modern politics; duality.
Run The Jewels' El-P: "To boil it down: Donald Trump hates women, Muslims, Mexicans and wants to shut down the internet. I miss anything big?" - Guns, El-P, you missed out how much he loves guns.
Beardyman: "Donald trump is a terrifying piece of shit cunt" - simple as that, no explanation needed.
Skaters: "Let's take a dump on trump! #DumpOnTrump" - Spread the word and check out the DumpOnTrump website for your free 'DumpOnTrump' starter pack.
Mikill Pane: "Watching The Dark Knight. Donald Trump obviously hasn't seen it, otherwise he would've pledged to block all clowns from entering the U.S.A." - Trump isn't the villain we deserve and definitely not the one we need.
Frank Ocean: "On the real though Donald Trump. How is it interesting that these shootings happened in a country that's tough on guns? Tell us Don? Because it sounds like that vacuous observation was about giving your NRA-loving constituency a handjob and spinning a tragedy for political gain." - Frank goes in on Trump following his post-Paris statement.
Augustines: "Anybody else sick of this douche? Seriously you're a dinosaur man, fuck off and quit embarrassing our country please" - huge props to Augustines for the sickest Trump burn of 2015 with 'dinosaur man'.
R.E.M: %u201CGo fuck yourselves, you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men. Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign.%u201D Mills added, %u201Cthe Orange Clown will do anything for attention. I hate giving it to him."
Russell Simmons: "You are a generous, kind man who has built a career on negotiating deals where everybody wins. Now, you seem like a one-man wrecking ball willing to destroy our nation�s foundation of freedom."