Muse's Matt Bellamy on 9/11 (he has since moderated his views): "September 11 is clearly an inside job. There was a [government] document called 'Project For The New America Century'... which clearly says, 'We need a Pearl Harbour-level event so we can have an excuse to invade the Middle East'."
Kanye West on AIDS: "[It's a] man-made disease, placed in Africa just like crack was placed in the black community to break up the Black Panthers."
M.I.A. on Brick Lane (this, to be fair, is the least irrational of the lot and is rooted in truth): "Tower Hamlets got a new MP and because he wanted to tone down the violence in Hoxton, he flushed the area with loads of heroin to sedate and pacify the Bengalis."
Megadeth's Dave Mustaine on the Obamas: "Why hasn�t somebody moved to impeach this man? With all of the proof about his birth certificate being fake. [Michelle] had a black dress on with two red triangles, so she looked like a black widow turned upside down. So there�s gotta be some symbology there. You just don�t wear something like that to some event like that without there being some kind of future message being told."
Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan on 'Chemtrails': "Chemtrails on Halloween? Spooky! Maybe instead of just barium + antibiotics they made a special mix to drop with spider webs + cat's claw.
Mick Fleetwood on the theory that humans are bred by a race of reptilians: "I loved David Icke's The Biggest Secret. Some of it does push the envelope, but I find that sort of stuff really interesting. Power structures that have been controlling the planet for longer than you or I realise."
Chuck D on why he believes Tupac is still alive: "[He] died on Friday the 13th...There were no witnesses on the street... How come? Why not? The cover of his next album..has 2Pac looking like Jesus Christ... Could he be planning a resurrection?"
Willy Nelson on 9/11: "I saw those towers fall and I�ve seen an implosion in Las Vegas � there�s too much similarities between the two, and I saw a building fall that didn�t get hit by nothing."
The Corrs' Jim Corr on 9/11 (again): "It was a staged terrorist attack� by rogue elements within the Bush administration, designed to facilitate the implementation of a global scientific dictatorship, a technocracy."
B.o.B. on the earth being flat: "No matter how high in elevation you are... the horizon is always eye level ... sorry cadets... I didn't wanna believe it either. A lot of people are turned off by the phrase 'flat earth' ... but there's no way u can see all the evidence and not know... grow up"