Of course, music stars and arrests almost seem to go hand in hand. We've rounded up some of the worst (and best) mug shots from down the years of those who have brushed with the wrong side of the law...
Ozzy Osbourne was blind drunk when police arrested him in the street in 1984. He should have really been arrested for this haircut alone.
1 of 18
- OK first of all learn to spell and grow up!!(Guy above me I mean in comments)
Lets see... he drives with his daughter and risking her life not only his own? My god Richie how old are you already? You give this band a bad name... ring a bell?? I lose more and more respect for people like you on a daily basis.... I have ben a fan since I was young enough to remember, so essentially I bought that hummer you are driving your daughter around drunk in!! Do us all a favor and choose your life careful.

- i wish they didnt arest manson just because he was too cool for that dumbass policeman!!!

- your a hoe:)

- Haa. i love him ;)

Billie looks so hot
» View all 6 comments~ by Rhonda 3/30/2008 Report
~ by joanalovemanson 8/27/2008 Report
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~ by Gracee. 4/29/2009 Report
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