15. Jedward � For some unfathomable reason, millions of people became infatuated with these irksome Irish twins when they appeared on The X Factor in 2009. Proof, if ever it was needed, that the general public are idiots. Despite the fact they can't sing and bound around stage like a hyperactive 11-year-old after too many e-numbers. John and Edward Grimes count the likes of Prime Minister David Cameron (urgh), Britney Spears (urgh), Westlife (urgh) and Peaches Geldof (LORD, GIVE US STRENGTH) amongst their admirers. Says it all really.
6 of 20
- I take it you're not counting rock bands. When you make that list, I'd better see ICP, Limp Bizkit, Creed, Nickelback, Warrant, 30 Seconds to Mars, and anything Oasis produced after 1995. Although this list still should've included Michael Bolton, Kenny G, and Hall and Oates.

- Rob & Fab for MilliVanilli were actually perfect for their roles. And the musicians behind the 'act' produced some brilliant pop ditties. Not sure they should be on your list.

Oops, Milli Vanilli guy killed himself.
Oops, Milli Vanilli guy killed himself.
- No K-Fed? Where's She Wants Revenge? They're the Pussycat Dolls of the post-punk genre (let's take Interpol, throw a faux goth sheen over it, dumb down the lyrics to the delight of middle schoolers, use Joy Division sounding song titles to cover it up).

» View all 15 comments~ by Devil Child 5/20/2010 Report
~ by Apop Post Punk 5/20/2010 Report
~ by Andy 5/20/2010 Report
~ by Andy 5/20/2010 Report
~ by Apop Post Punk 5/21/2010 Report
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