Gary on Robbie being back: "The band is different with Robbie. We work in a different way. What we have now is too much talent in the room. When Take That are a four, Mark and myself are the leading songwriters. Jay joins in on the lyrics and Howard starts with the melodies.� (The Sun, 2011)
Mark on his hair: "Does my quiff make my shoes look big?"
Mark on tour nerves: �A few weeks ago I had a pre-tour panic, a bit of a meltdown, which I went through for a couple of days. Not much sleep, but I came through the other end and I�ve been all right since. But we�re confident with it now and I think the show�s going to be brilliant.�
Jason on being single at 40: �I have no problem with being single. In fact, I love it. The other lads have to go home early as they are with their partners and some of them have children. But I enjoy being single and being able to go out partying.�
Robbie on his current relationship with Gary: �My wife calls him my boyfriend, I call him my captain, to you he�s Mr Gary Barlow.� (2010)
Robbie on Gary: �Barlow will top himself when I crack the States, I know it.� (1999)
Robbie on joining another band: �If I had my time again I'd like to be in Boyzone.� (1996)
Gary on Take That as a five-piece: �I think even moving forward, I know we�re back with Rob right now, but we still see our future as a four-piece band. We see Take That as a four-piece band in general. When we came back in 2005 we had the conversation, �Can we do this as four?� Thanks to the fans who bought the records, we proved we can.� (Radio 2, 2011)
Gary on his Madame Tussuad's waxwork: �What annoyed me more was that when Take That came back and were successful again, my waxwork suddenly reappeared out of nowhere, yet slightly aged.� (2011)
Robbie on claims he�s re-joined Take That due to a struggling solo career : "F*ck off.� (2010)
Robbie on Take That getting naked again on stage: �If all else fails, nakedness in Trafalgar Square. We might have to get our arses out again.� (2010)
Gary on his rivalry with Robbie: "It was like a constant daily mock. It followed me everywhere. You just feel like a total loser. In fact, I remember asking the bank whether I could change my name on my card. I couldn't face my own name because even over the phone people would hear it and make some wisecrack.�
Jason on bullying Robbie: "He was the kid in the band and maybe I bullied him in some ways, not overtly but covertly. He took exception and rightly so. We had a lot of tensions going on and it's easy in a group for one person to become the scapegoat. I think we did that to a large extent with Rob." (2010)
Robbie on playing Glastonbury: "Absolutely not. There's going to be no Glastonbury, not for me. They pay you about five pence to be honest." (2010)
Howard on being 40: "I am very sensitive about my age. Gary will make jokes that I'm 46 or 47 and it really pisses me off. I feel like I'm still fit enough to go on, I don't feel my age."
Robbie on singing: �I'm a born entertainer, when I open the fridge and the light comes on, I burst into song.�
Robbie on Take That: �I am the only man who can say he's been in Take That and at least two members of the Spice Girls.� (2003)
Gary on his ideal superpower: �Flying for me, because it means I wouldn�t have to go on a plane again. I�d be able to fly. I don�t like aeroplanes, not a fan.� (Belfast Telegraph, 2011)
Robbie on singing: �I'm a born entertainer, when I open the fridge and the light comes on, I burst into song.�
Robbie on cake: "I have a problem with cake, particularly red velvet cake."
Jason on the Progress tour: "It'll be reet. It always is.� (2011)